The MIRACULOUS POWER IN ITSELF", a practical spiritual approach for the use of all, to improve your relationship with the Eternal. Replaces "The Miraculous Power of Jesus".
To you who want to change your lifestyle and free yourself from your earthly exile from this world.
For you, even today everything is possible. But hurry up, because this offer is limited in time."
“ There are only two ways to live your life: one
pretending nothing was a miracle, the
other pretending everything was a miracle. »
Albert Einstein
If you have heard of the Miracles of Spiritual Masters, but do not know how He did it, read to the end, this document is certainly the most important for you, and HERE'S WHY...
Yes, material comfort is not forbidden on the spiritual path. However, in order to progress, it is essential to relegate it to the background.
Today For You is a Blessed Day!
Indeed, thanks to this spiritual manual for everyone, now you have the incredible chance of being able to fulfill not one, but all 8 wishes.
Why this certainty?
Very simple!
Because you are going to be initiated into a Power of which nothing seems to resist those who hold these fabulous secrets.
It is the same power in action applied since the dawn of time by the spiritual Masters.
Read this message to the end to know how to access it, too.
Indeed, you should not confuse the "Miraculous Power in Self" with the will, the subconscious, like other psychic functions, so much in vogue at the moment.
It is also not related to objects of worship, to talismans, to pentacles, to icons and other apparatuses of radionics and transmitters of waves of form.
Nor does it come under metaphysics, religions, magic, witchcraft, occultism.
As you will soon learn, it is much EASIER and far more POWERFUL than all those sophisticated, human-invented methods.
Now... give me your full attention. A simple little experiment should motivate you and show you that you too can achieve your secret aspirations.
Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly for a few minutes until you feel relaxed.
Price HT Only: 9 EUROS
However, and this is quite normal, this ultimate secret of the true POWER embodied by the spiritual Masters, can only be discovered on one condition.
WANT IT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT, because it is forbidden to contravene people's free will. This rule of rigor and without appeal.
That's why, I need your agreement to send you this book "The MIRACULOUS POWER IN ITSELF". I hope you won't hold it against me, but I can't help it.
However, its sale price is deliberately studied at the lowest, so that everyone can have access to it. See in the body of the message for this purpose.
This miraculous Power of the spiritual Masters exists everywhere and in everyone, even if we do not see it, like electricity, magnetism, radio waves which are invisible to the physical eye.
Already, the painters at the time of medieval, evoked it by the head of the Holy characters shrouded in a halo.
In the Holy Bible Jeremiah emphasizes...
“Am I a God at hand, says the Lord,
and not a distant and distant God”
He adds this:
“The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”
The Spiritual Masters have permanent access to it, this is the reason for their miracles.
Reasonably, we cannot be blamed for this, since early in life we are conditioned to become perfect automatons who must rely on the external resources of a society oriented essentially on materialism.
Therefore, everyone must protect themselves from the negative influence that it permanently projects into our existence, if we want to regain our inner Power which leads to true happiness, because the Infinite alone is blissful.
“What is infinite is supreme happiness
in the finite, there is no bliss”
The Chandogypa Upanisad
The gap that exists between us and this Power is so small that we could not even slip a sheet of paper into it. However, it is difficult to achieve, because the outer being raises constant hostilities to keep the supremacy of power.
This is why, as the Masters of Wisdom rightly remind us...
"Discipline is an essential passage to the success of our spiritual approach"
Do you comply with this rule of life in your daily life?
Like King Arthur setting off in search of the Holy Grail, armed with his invincible Excalibur sword, you too must have powerful spiritual weapons to overcome the obstacles of Negative Power.
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Now look at the positive powers that you will be able to try to exercise very soon:
A host of other good things, which it is difficult for you to imagine at present for lack of means.
You have a doubt?
Yes !
Normal !
For what ?
Because you still approach your existence with an ordinary mindset, as many people in this world do.
But rest assured, it won't last.
Indeed, in this work you will learn how to awaken a new state of mind which makes it possible to obtain these results, the state of mind of an Initiate in the "Miraculous Powers of Jesus." A state of mind dedicated to the Laws of God, of course.
“A vine planted apart from the Father will not be quickened.
We will pull it out at the root and it will perish”
A biblical postulate for those who would try to deviate from their spiritual path.
Already the first days you should feel new forces invest you. Not in one block, of course, but little by little, human nature is well made.
Considerable assets to forge a powerful personality similar to that of Jesus, overflowing with energy, full of charm and magnetism.
But frankly between us.
• Are you determined to live this fascinating experience in the company of the great messiahs?
• Do you feel able to assume the responsibilities of your new spiritual position?
If your answer is positive, now hold your copy…
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Be careful, nothing in this world is irreversible!
If I have good advice to give you, act immediately. You won't regret it, since it is always possible to take a new direction at any time.
So never put off your good decisions, because you and I know that often means never. Follow this ancient precept.
“Why postpone this important decision until later?
So start today and say in a firm and determined voice:
now is the time to act. »
Especially since you benefit, without restriction or condition, from the 30-day TRIAL GUARANTEE. This allows you to be reimbursed if you were not satisfied with this service.
But BE CAREFUL: This unique offer cannot last forever. Take your chance. It's now or never.
For any quick response, an EXCEPTIONAL GIFT worth €29 is included , a book by the same author, “Le Pouvoir Divin en Action. »
See below, some of the extraordinary benefits contained in this book:
"Divine Power in Action"
Over 120 pages full of
ideas and techniques.
Available in electronic format.
Here's what you'll learn
But that's not all…
Here's what you'll learn more.
Happy reading everyone!
Jack Lambourg
PS: You will learn much more, believe me. But I prefer to let you discover this important knowledge for yourself in this exceptional work.
of 30 days of the guide
OK, I agree to try the guide "THE MIRACULOUS POWER IN ITSELF", a complete and progressive method to bring out the miraculous power in oneself.
OK, this book's mission is to help everyone regain control of themselves and their destiny, to no longer be the plaything of others.
A fundamental awareness that leads to spiritual emancipation, a pledge of true Freedom and Happiness.
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"Participating in this world and its negative nature without becoming
a slave to it through ego transcendence, in the mastered security of a higher individuality.
Nothing else matters to the Soul except the liberation from the bondages of the ego . ”
Paul Twitchell.
There is no guarantee that you will obtain these powers and advantages. Jack LAMBOURG undertakes to provide you with information likely to help you improve your life. But he has no obligation of result. It is also not responsible for the use made by readers of the content of this work. Your money will be fully refunded to you, if you were not satisfied with its services.
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