The Sublime Powers of Clear Vision revealed to reach plenitude and realize your secret desires.
This book's mission is to help everyone regain control of themselves and their destiny so that they are no longer the playthings of others.
Fundamental awareness which opens on the spiritual emancipation pledge of true freedom and happiness.
As everyone knows today, inner fulfillment is limitless. But it is everyone's duty and responsibility to find their way. This method is intended to help you. To shed some light on the path of your own spiritual destiny.
The royal road to detachment and self-control
through the dynamic contemplation of VIPASSANA
Absolutely everyone without exception.
All psychologically balanced men and women are expressly invited to take possession of this benefactor teaching, similar to the liberating messiah.
Indeed, this radiant dynamic dedicated to those who wish to discipline themselves to a quiet spirit and free from all attachment, and aspire in the bottom of their hearts, to true liberation.
As the previous statements suggest, the serious problem here is the attachment to materialistic conceptions of life.
Everything is organized so that everyone is taken care of by a system whose sole value is that of the great illusionism of negative power.
Thus, we are more trained in the art of dying than in that of living, in the art of slavery than in that of freedom.
The lower planes of the material world are indispensable to the spiritual maturity of the Soul itself. But when these negative Forces overstep their role, say the Masters of Wisdom, by affecting spiritual unfoldment, they become the "evil" incarnate, the Forces of Darkness.
Man has the duty to correct these evil deviations in him, by a healthy discipline, regular and sustained by his spirit, by aligning himself with the FORCES of LIGHT and LIFE of the SPIRIT of GOD, which expresses itself through the individual Soul and the cosmic SOUL.
“No man is free if he cannot control himself”
In view of this millennial postulate of life, this book was created to help everyone regain control of their destiny, to no longer be manipulated by negative power.
This program must lead everyone to this fundamental awareness which leads to spiritual emancipation and from there, to true FREEDOM and HAPPINESS.
Chapter 1
Does God Exist? Who is God? And the man in all of that ? Relationship of the Soul with the Universe. The diploma of ultimate freedom. Summary diagram of the plan of the Event with the symbolic colors.
Chapter 2
Maya's spell. What is the physical body? Disabling limitations. Psychic decoders. Everything belongs and comes from the ALL. Psychological aspect of the ego. The workings of the mind. Little revealing test. Brain functions. 2 diametrically opposed ways of thinking. It kills life. A dictatorial intellectualism. An inevitable complementarity.
Chapter 3
More than 200 educational pages, enriched with secrets and rituals based on the ancient tradition of Vipassana, in an improved version.
The goal here:
To help you let go of ordinary everyday life. Approach made of spiritual nobility, which leads to inner delight, moral health and satisfactions.
You too, in time, will get there.
REMINDER: Vipassana is a contemplative application,
which leads to self-mastery, through self-observation.
CURRENTLY still, you can have this liberating secular teaching, and immediately begin your new life, in order to achieve Self-Mastery, by obtaining the complete work.
Simply click on this "ORDER NOW" logo below to be directed immediately to the famous platform.
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Do not wait to act, Happiness is priceless!
WARNING: In addition, I would like to point out that this offer is limited in time. If you take the risk of closing this page, without having reserved the MOKSHA method, there is a good chance that you will never find this extraordinary offer the next time you come back to this site.
Immediate results provided by the “Awakening and Freedom through Detachment” method.
Every day of its application will bring you its share of benefits, rest assured.
These changes should not surprise you. They are the logical consequence of 2 new elements in your life.
Pay and download the eBook in PDF format, for the value of: 9.50 euros including tax.
Thank you for your visit!
Jack Lambourg
+ Gift of trust and welcome.
The MOKSHA method is offered entirely in MP3 format, for permanent accessibility.
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Charisme - En Votre Âme et Conscience - L'Antidote Spirituel - Le Pouvoir Miraculeux en Soi - Le Talisman Cosmic - Magic Silver - Moksha - YogaPyramide
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