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May it provide you with BEAUTIFUL SATISFACTIONS in every way, throughout your life.
May he help you to free yourself from the tyranny of the ego, and from the false needs acclaimed by the rapacious rulers, the buttocks-mathieux, and other grigous in need of power.
This new light must lead you to a GREATER MASTERY of your existence on all levels. You will see the changes that you have always been waiting for in vain appear little by little.
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My best wishes for spiritual success are with you!
Very friendly.
Jack Lambourg
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A cocktail of happiness for your whole life!
Here's how to have the life you've always dreamed of having, but in vain because you have never knocked on the right one door behind which is precisely your happiness.
MP3 format offered of
the 4 modules of the YogaPyramid
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Des outils pour la liberté spirituelle par la mise en lumière des potentiels individuels ©
Charisme - En Votre Âme et Conscience - L'Antidote Spirituel - Le Pouvoir Miraculeux en Soi - Le Talisman Cosmic - Magic Silver - Moksha - YogaPyramide
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